Meet your free from fear self.
Have you ever asked a mentor for advice, and the advice they gave didn’t sit right with you? The advice, while fine, didn’t align with what you deeply knew was right for you.
While external mentors are helpful and needed, we all have an inner mentor living inside of us. We access our inner mentor when we listen to the whispers of our hearts and are true to ourselves.
I think of my inner mentor as an older, wiser version of me. She is free from fear and sees my life's full landscape. She believes in me and is cheering me on as I step into all I am created to be.
This free mini course connects you to your inner mentor. What if the next time you had a question, you asked yourself first? What if you trusted your instincts? What if you were true to yourself? We each have a peaceful, wise self inside of us. Let’s get to know and listen to that voice.